Pitching Rules:
Age One day Max to pitch next day One Day Max Three Day Max
9U-12U 3 6 8
13U-14U 3 7 8
Age One day Max to pitch next day One Day Max Three Day Max
9U-12U 3 6 8
13U-14U 3 7 8
-7 innings, pool and bracket play 1 hour 45 minutes
-Pool play can end in a tie.
-Championship un-timed
-Loose Bases
-Unlimited runs per inning
-Runner may advance to 1st on a dropped 3rd strike.
-Run Rule is:
20 anytime
15 after 3
10 after 4
-Bases 13U-80', 14U-90'
-Mound 13U-54', 14U-60'
-Pitchers: USSSA Rules in effect
-Each team supplies 1 ball each game, or coaches can agree on something.
-Pool play can end in a tie.
-Championship un-timed
-Loose Bases
-Unlimited runs per inning
-Runner may advance to 1st on a dropped 3rd strike.
-Run Rule is:
20 anytime
15 after 3
10 after 4
-Bases 13U-80', 14U-90'
-Mound 13U-54', 14U-60'
-Pitchers: USSSA Rules in effect
-Each team supplies 1 ball each game, or coaches can agree on something.